OMiLAB4FoF web platform installation guide
This tutorial describes all necessary steps required to deploy the web platform for your Laboratory.
Download and Deploy the Olive platform
All the documentation for deploying Olive is available in the ADOxx portal at the url: Here are available the WAR files to deploy in an application server and the configuration instructions.
1) Download all the .war files of the Core section. Deploy and configure them using the relative documentation attached.
2) When the core part is deployed correctly, download all the .war files of the Service section. Deploy and configure them using the relative documentation attached. A video tutorial on a microservice deployment and configuration is available here:
Download and Deploy the authentication modules for Olive platform
(Tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18)
Prerequisites to download and install before deployment:
Java 11 jdk (with proper JAVA_HOME and PATH system variables in Windows)
Tomcat 9
Directory Studio 2.0
Deployment consists of three parts (LDAP, PWM, CAS). A video tutorial on deployment and configuration of authentication module is available here:
1. In Apache Directory Studio create a new LDAP server with default configuration: Right click in
the LDAP Server tab visible in the main window of Apache Directory Studio.
2. Start the
created LDAP server: in the LDAP Server tab, right click over the new created server and click
3. Create a connection to the server: in the LDAP Server tab, right click over the new
created server and click 'Create connection'.
4. Import the provided schema: in the LDAP
Browser tab, right click over the Root DSE entry, then Import, then LDIF Import. Select the
olive_ldap_schema.ldif file and click 'Finish'.
ATTENTION: after this phase you need to manually edit your LDAP schema in the following way or once stopped the server will not be able to start again:
5. Open the following file with a text editor:
(on windows)
linux) .ApacheDirectoryStudio is in your home folder
6. Edit the creatorsName field changing its value to 'creatorsName: cn=admin'
Now your server will be able to restart
7. Disallow the Anonymous access: In the LDAP Server tab do a right click over your server anc click 'Open configuration', then unselect 'Allow Anonymous Access'
8. Update the default omilab.admin mail: In the LDAP Browser tab open the user identified by cn=omilab.admin and change the default mail ( with your one. Here you will receive notification on new proposed Olive Projects.
The imported schema contain two users:
admin: to use as admin user for the LDAP
omilab.admin: to use as admin user for the Olive
for both users the default password is 'password'
The LDAP can be connected using the following
configuration in Olive:
1. Deploy the application in Tomcat: extract pwm.war in the Tomcat webapp folder (in linux by default under opt/tomcat/webapps/).
2. In the web.xml file (under pwm/WEB-INF/web.xml) change the value of the param 'applicationPath' with the absolute path of your WEB-INF folder (Ex: c:\tomcat\webapps\pwm\WEB-INF)
The default configuration work with the default installed LDAP.
In order to adapt the settings
simply edit the file 'pwm/WEB-INF/PwmConfiguratin.xml'.
A web interface is also available in
order to change this settings and can be enabled changing the property 'configIsEditable' to true
in the PwmConfiguratin.xml file.
The default password for entering the configuration web
interface is 'password'.
1 .Deploy the application in Tomcat: extract cas.war in the Tomcat webapp folder (in linux by default under opt/tomcat/webapps/).
2. Download the provided configuration available in the etc folder of the project into the root of your drive (eg. C:\ for windows users and / for linux users)
The CAS by default is configured to work with the default installed LDAP.
Adapt the file to change the default configuration.
Create the Template for every OMiLAB4FoF Project
In order to create a project structure for FoF perform the following steps:
1) Log in the Olive portal with a configured administrative account.
2) Open the Services tab under the Franchise-Administration menù
3) Identify the TextService Service and click on the Add Endpoint button
4) Add an endpoint with name Application and endpoint application, and select 'not mandatory'
5) Add an endpoint with name Models and endpoint models, and select 'not mandatory'
6) Add an endpoint with name Infrastructure and endpoint infrastructure, and select 'not mandatory'
7) Open the Templates tab under the Franchise-Administration menù
8) Under the default template panel click the button Services and select the Application, Models and Infrastructure services
9) Under the default template panel click the button Wizard and select only the Permissions, Application, Models and Infrastructure services
10) Now all the new created project will appear with the same structure composed of the Application, Models and Infrastructure menu entry
Further Questions
in case of problems and for more information contact us at