Download brokerage platform files from

Deployment of brokerage platform could be done as a part of PSM or as a standalone website

I. Standalone website

1. Host contents of provided package at hosting of choice.
2. Exemplary hosting, using github pages, could be found at:
note: github pages require index.html in root folder of repository, so in order to link to the proper html, you need to
provide "routing html" like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=" />

3. Since brokerage platform relies on github repository as a place to store content, there is a need of configuring one.
4. As of now, initial configuration could be done in main.js file of project.
5. Example system is using the same github repository used for hosting as data container:
6. Configuration options available in main.js for now are:
- indexurl - github api path to repository folder holding project data ( in example project)
note: the pattern for github api url is:<username>/<repositoryname>/contents/<folderthatstoresdata>
note2: chosen folder must be available and accessible in repo - will not be created automatically
- indexfilename - name of file that will be used for listing of data items (indexlist in example project)
- type - type of initial widget to be displayed in grid (types available now are: JobTile, EventTile, TrainingTile)
7. To be able to add new content, you need to provide authentication token in web view of system (wrench icon in widget window).
For obvious reasons, that token should not be in initial config, since everyone could see it.
Token is generated in github web api (settings/developer settings/personal access tokens).
Providing correct repository token would allow you to see "new" button to create new postings as well as edit/delete current ones.
8. You can download/upload current widget configuration/layout using download/upload buttons.

II. As part of PSM

1. Put files in proper folders:
(css,html,js folders from brokerage project reflect css,html,js folders inside PSM "static" folder - example path: "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\psm\WEB-INF\classes\static").
2. Create new menu entry:
Log in into psm as admin, next in Franchise-Administration in Navigation tab, choose New->HTML, enter display name and url, save, then "Edit HTML directly" of your new element.
3. Embed index.html as iframe like this (74vh is the height of iframe - you can adjust it to your needs):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<iframe src="/psm/html/index.html" style=" height: 74vh; width: 100vw; margin:0; border:none;" ></iframe>

4. Apply changes with "Change" button.
5. To configure follow the same steps as for standalone deployment.


Further Questions

in case of problems and for more information contact us at